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"Uptempo, Down"
Uptempo, DownFlannel Lobster
00:00 / 02:34
‘Life’s what you make of it,’ that’s what they say.
‘Don’t put off ‘til tomorrow what’s better today.’
‘Change that frown to a smile!’ ‘Carpe diem each hour!’
The truth is all rainbows need sun and a shower.
Fast is fast and slow is slow;
You need both speeds to make life go.
Reprieves are nice, but so’s gusto:
A minute down, then uptempo!
Life’s just a pogostick: up, down, around.
And at some point you know that you’re gonna hit ground.
So hit it, then rise up! Wipe that mud from your face.
Life’s a beautiful journey and you set the pace.
Fast is fast and slow is slow;
You need both speeds to make life go.
Reprieves are nice, but so’s gusto:
A minute down, then uptempo!
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