Augusta, My Friend & Teacher
When I adopted Augusta in May of 2020, I imagined she'd be similar to my previous terriers: stubborn, lovable, clownish, energetic, and intelligent.
Don't get me wrong: Augusta is all of these things!
But she is also fearful... and she generally exhibits the most fear when someone approaches her in her home, which is a place where she's meant to feel safe. This level of fear has resulted in a couple of bites, some professional dog training, and a lot of caution on my part. Is life with Augie always easy? Far from it, in fact... but my shaggy terrier, whose birthday is on Tuesday, has taught me so very much about standing up for my rights.
If Augusta feels threatened, she acts. She isn't one who sits back and allows things to happen to her. She's proactive with a bark, and if the person issuing the threat doesn't heed her warning, Augie isn't afraid to use her teeth.
I have decided that, like my brave girl, I will no longer be afraid to use my teeth.
A little over half of Americans who voted in this year's election decided it was a good idea to put someone in office who continues to get what he wants because he's a bully with deep pockets. Our president-elect used fear to gain votes. He spread blatant lies about Kamala Harris reinstating the draft, he spread blatant lies about transgender students receiving reassignment surgeries in schools, and he spread blatant lies about the consumption of pets by Haitians. He fabricated entire stories that uneducated Americans bought into... and it hurts both my stomach and my heart when I think about some of the people in my world who voted for such an unkind and manipulative monster.
There is not a doubt in my mind that Augusta would bite our president-elect if given the chance. (And then our president-elect would likely ask Kristi Noem to shoot my dog for misbehaving.)
Like Augusta, I want to use my teeth. And my words. And my voice. I want to be brave.
America is my home, and as a woman, I currently feel threatened.
America is my home, and as an educator, I currently feel threatened.
America is my home, and as a democrat, I currently feel threatened.
But America is my home.
I have the right to feel safe in my home. I have the right to protect my home. I have the right to use my teeth.
