Stickers, anyone?
I was driving home from work several weeks ago and got to thinking about stickers. It occurred to me that I should have stickers that relate to my books. And then it occurred to me that since I really like octopuses, I should have an octopus holding my books. And then it occurred to me that an octopus has eight arms and I've published more than eight books... so while in my car, driving home from work, I decided to count how many books I've published and I came up with the number nine. I thought to myself, "The octopus could have an extra arm and he could be holding all of my books! How fun is that?"
When I got home, I checked my math and realized that I've published TWELVE books, not nine. So I tossed that idea and went with books set in Lake Caywood instead... because there are, in fact, eight of those.
I wasn't really sure how to go about designing an octopus with his arms wrapped around my novels, so I recruited some help from Percy. This is Percy of Torn Asunder fame, you'll recall; the book is dedicated to him and Carlie (my favorite NaNo nerds).
What you maybe don't know about Percy is that he's a PHENOMENAL artist and a PHENOMENAL writer and a PHENOMENAL musician and just a genuinely PHENOMENAL human overall. I absolutely adore this kid, and I love his art, so it seemed fitting to have him design the sticker.

This was at my book signing on October's First Friday. I didn't have the stickers yet, so they weren't for sale... but now they are!
I now have the stickers Percy designed and some stickers that I designed for one of my all-time favorite bands, Flannel Lobster! I'll be selling these at future book signings, so bring your wallets!

$3 each or 2 for $5
In addition to stickers, I've got some other fun stuff in the works at the moment! Stay tuned for details, alright?